@IT:Windows Server Insider:特集
『.NET言語による次世代Officeソリューションの開発 ―Visual Studio Tools for Office 概要―』
Visual Studio Tools for Office ホームページ
MSDN:Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office(英語)
●Lab 1: Creating Projects Using Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System
Introduces you to creating Word and Excel projects in Visual Studio .NET.
●Lab 2: Adding Functionality to Word Document Solutions in Visual Studio .NET
Contains exercises that demonstrate how to create a Word Document project, how to handle Word events to initialize, save, and close a document based on a Word template, and how to use ADO.NET to import data.
●Lab 3: Adding functionality to Excel Workbook Solutions in Visual Studio .NET
Demonstrates how to work with Excel 2003 solutions created with Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System, including how to handle Excel events, and how to access and import data.
●Lab 4: Securing Office Solutions that Use Managed Code Extensions
Demonstrates how to set up a Visual Studio Tools for Office solution to run from a local computer, a network share, or a Web server.
●Lab 5: Deploying Office Documents that Use Managed Code Extensions
Introduces some of the methods you can use for deploying your Microsoft Office 2003 managed code solutions and briefly discusses some security issues.
●Lab 6: Using XML and C# in Word Solutions
Demonstrates how you can populate and retrieve data from XML nodes in a Word document at run time using Visual C# code and Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System.
●Lab 7: Performing Calculations in Excel Solutions
Demonstrates how to create an Excel solution using an existing workbook, so you can take advantage of the calculation and formatting capabilities available in Excel.
Microsoft スマートクライアント デモキット 1 :Visual Studio Tools for Office の実現するスマートクライアント
ZDNet PCUPdate:マイクロソフト、Visual Studio Tools for Officeを発表
MSDN:Visual Studio .NET による Office マネージ COM アドインの作成